Sunday, September 30, 2012

Release Microvolts Wall Hack + XTrap Bypass

Hello , Microvolters. As you can see at the title i have some wall hacks.
But they aren't free cause for me it was hard to get it. So thats why i sell them for 10$ the whole pack.

The hack contains:
Bypass.dll For xtrap
Map.dat To Shoot trough wall
Wallhack I got 2 diffrent types of walls.

Please Add me via skype: MVExploit

Payment Methods(Cost 10$, Currency = RT Or just cash in gamecards):
PaySafe Card
GoCash Game Card

Or You can get it for 3$ When you give me a method of a working hack method of cheat engine.
I already got the Kill editing method.

Screen shots:

Wall Hack:

Want more proof? Add me to skype and i will show you.


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Ryan sell to swing-state NH: Live free and prosper

DERRY, N.H. (AP) ? Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan put his own spin on New Hampshire's "Live Free or Die" motto as he rallied supporters in the small but key battleground state.

Speaking in Derry Saturday morning, Ryan contrasted the economic stagnation he says will continue if President Barack Obama is re-elected with the prosperity he and Mitt Romney will create, saying the "Live Free or Die" state wants to "live free and prosper."

It was Ryan's second trip in as many weeks to New Hampshire, which backed Obama in 2008 but is considered a swing state this time. With an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released this week showing Obama ahead in New Hampshire, Ryan told supporters they need to reach out to former Obama voters who are now having second thoughts.


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Los planes de Romney para crear empleo?en China

NUEVA YORK, Nueva York.- Freeport, Illinois fue la sede de uno de los famosos debates entre Abraham Lincoln y Stephen Douglas. El 27 de agosto de 1858, Lincoln y Douglas protagonizaron all? uno de los debates de su campa?a para obtener el esca?o de Illinois en el Senado de Estados Unidos. Lincoln no fue electo senador, pero el debate de Freeport prepar? el terreno para la posterior derrota de Douglas en las elecciones presidenciales de 1860, y por consiguiente, para la Guerra de Secesi?n. Hoy en d?a, en el momento en que el primer presidente afro-estadounidense de Estados Unidos se prepara para debatir con el candidato del partido de Lincoln, los trabajadores de Freeport est?n realizando una protesta con la esperanza de lograr que su dif?cil situaci?n est? en el centro del debate nacional de esta campa?a electoral.

Un grupo de trabajadores de Sensata Technologies estableci? un campamento de protesta frente a la f?brica donde muchos de ellos han trabajado durante gran parte de su vida. Sensata fabrica sensores de alta tecnolog?a para autom?viles como, por ejemplo, los sensores que contribuyen a que las transmisiones autom?ticas funcionen en forma segura. La empresa recientemente adquiri? la planta, que anteriormente pertenec?a a la empresa Honeywell, y de inmediato les inform? a los m?s de 170 empleados que trabajan all? que sus puestos de trabajo, junto con el equipamiento de la planta, ser?an trasladados a China.

Quiz? nunca hayan o?do hablar de Sensata Technologies, pero durante la actual campa?a electoral es probable que hayan escuchado el nombre de su propietaria, Bain Capital, la empresa co-fundada y antiguamente dirigida por Mitt Romney. Al enterarse de esta informaci?n, alrededor de doce empleados de Sensata decidieron dar pelea y exigirle a Romney que aplique sus consignas de campa?a para salvar los empleos estadounidenses. Fue entonces que viajaron a la Convenci?n Nacional Republicana en Tampa, Florida, y se sumaron al campamento de protesta all? improvisado, denominado ?Romneyville? (en referencia a los ?Hoovervilles? establecidos durante la ?poca de la Gran Depresi?n), como parte de una campa?a de las personas m?s pobres del pa?s. Tambi?n organizaron una petici?n y lograron la adhesi?n de 35.000 personas a su demanda de que Romney les solicite a sus ex compa?eros de trabajo que salven sus empleos.

Freeport se encuentra cerca de dos estados decisivos, que podr?an definir las elecciones de noviembre: Iowa y Wisconsin. Los trabajadores de Sensata aprovecharon la visita de Romney a dichos estados y asistieron a un evento de su campa?a para hacerle el pedido directamente al candidato. Resulta parad?jico que, por pedirle a Romney que impida que sus empleos sean tercerizados a China, los trabajadores de Sensata recibieron burlas del p?blico, fueron tildados de comunistas durante el evento y finalmente fueron expulsados del recinto por el Servicio Secreto de Estados Unidos.

A continuaci?n, los trabajadores establecieron el campamento ?Bainport? en el parque Stephenson County Fairgrounds, en Freeport, que cuenta con pleno apoyo de la comunidad. Los trabajadores han pasado m?s de dos semanas acampados, con una docena de carpas y una gran carpa al estilo de circo que funciona como un espacio cerrado para reuniones y como centro de operaciones, y adem?s cuentan con una cocina comunitaria al aire libre. Construyeron un escenario del que cuelgan una pancarta con la leyenda: ?Mitt Romney: ven a Freeport? y carteles como ?Romney tiene un plan de empleos?l?stima que es para China?. Detr?s del escenario construyeron un puentecito a trav?s de un barranco, por el que los trabajadores van a la f?brica para realizar los turnos de trabajo que les quedan por cumplir en la planta.

Llegamos a ?Bainport? una noche de la semana pasada a las 22.30. Un grupo de trabajadores y seguidores estaban sentados alrededor del fog?n. Habl? con ellos, uno a uno, antes de que se fueran a sus carpas. Dot Turner ten?a que ir a trabajar a las 5 de la ma?ana. Le pregunt? cu?nto hac?a que trabajaba en la planta: ?43 a?os. Empec? en 1969, ten?a 18 a?os en aquel entonces?, me respondi?. Su mensaje para Romney fue claro: ?Le dir?a que tiene el poder y la autoridad de impedir esto. Si realmente le preocupara el pueblo estadounidense y si le interesara crear empleos, los 12 millones de empleos de los que siempre habla en sus discursos, podr?a comenzar por dejar estos puestos de trabajo en el pa?s?.

Si bien Romney a?n no ha visitado Freeport, un portavoz de su campa?a habl? del tema de Sensata y traslad? la responsabilidad del asunto al Presidente Barack Obama. El vocero de Romney escribi?: ?A pesar de que el presidente invierte en Sensata a trav?s de su fondo de jubilaci?n personal y de que el gobierno es propietario de uno de los principales clientes de Sensata, General Motors, el Presidente Obama no ha utilizado sus facultades para resolver esta situaci?n de ning?n modo?.

Obama no respondi? a la acusaci?n, pero durante la campa?a ha criticado duramente a Romney mediante el argumento de que Bain traslad? muchos puestos de trabajo a China: ?Romney ha estado criticando duramente a China. Afirma que va a luchar contra ellos, que va a ir tras esos tramposos. Y debo admitir que ese mensaje es mejor que lo que en realidad ha hecho al respecto. Suena mejor que hablar de todos los a?os que lucr? con empresas que enviaron nuestros empleos a China. De modo que al escuchar esta repentina indignaci?n, al ver las publicidades de campa?a en las que promete ponerse firme con China, me recuerda a la historia del zorro que dice que va a cuidar el gallinero?.

El alcalde de Freeport, George Gaulrapp, visit? Bainport en la ma?ana en que transmitimos nuestro informativo de ?Democracy Now!? desde el campamento. Me cont? acerca de lo que esperaba para los trabajadores y reflexion? sobre la larga historia de su ciudad natal: ?Freeport es el lugar donde ocurri? el debate entre Lincoln y Douglas. Hemos invitado a ambos candidatos, al Presidente Obama y al gobernador Romney, a que vengan a Freeport a debatir en una campa?a al viejo estilo. Ser?a una gran oportunidad para Romney, que fue el art?fice de la pol?tica de enviar empleos al extranjero, regresar aqu? y revertir esa tendencia. Estamos a 100 km de la ciudad natal de Paul Ryan, Janesville. Es un sitio ideal para venir, familiarizarse con el lugar y conocer otra cara de Estados Unidos?.

Amy Goodman


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Lawyers Guide to the Business of Blogging | ...

At 2:30pm on Monday, October 1, 2012, I will be speaking at the annual meeting of the Association of Intellectual Property Firms (AIPF). ?My topic is the business of blogging for lawyers. ?This is a topic I have written about, and spoken about, in the past. ?Given the trajectory of my career over the past seven years the topic is one near and dear to my heart. ?While I have been operating IPWatchdog since October 1999, which almost doesn?t seem possible, I left full-time teaching in the summer of 2005. ?It was at that point that I started devoted full-time attention to IPWatchdog.

Many in the industry know that my professional persona causes me to wear several different hats. ?First, I teach a patent bar review course for the Practising Law Institute, which takes me out of the office for 6 days at a time between 8 and 10 weeks a year. ?I also have a patent practice at Zies, Widerman & Malek, which primarily focuses on software and Internet technologies. ?But the overwhelming majority of my time is spent with, which is my blogging hat. ?Of course, blogging also leads to clients for me and the firm.

Blogging can lead to name recognition, establishing one as an expert and ultimately leading to client development, which is why many attorneys are interested in learning about how to go about ?this blogging thing.? Like everything in life, there are steps that can and should be taken to pursue the path. ?So if you are interested in blogging for business let me give you some advice.

While there is something that can be said for jumping right in, if you are going to do things properly from the start there are a number of things that you really should consider, which will help you lay a foundation for success. ?As with any business this means the creation of a plan, at least from a conceptual or philosophical standpoint.

In Blogging Business: 7 Questions to a Blogging Business Plan I set out the initial questions that you really should ask yourself, and perhaps your partners, before you or your firm enters the wonderful world of blogging. ?They are:

  1. What are you hoping to achieve?
  2. Who is your audience?
  3. What content will you provide?
  4. What is your self censoring plan?
  5. What viewpoint do you plan on providing?
  6. How will you establish yourself as an authority?
  7. Who do you plan to be? How many masks will you wear?

Those 7 questions are as relevant today as when I wrote that article some 30 months ago. ?Without clear goals you will just be wandering aimlessly, perhaps spending a lot of time but not engaging in any kind of activity that is likely to lead where you want it to go. ?That is why it is essential to think about who it is that ?you are writing for, what kind of writing you want to do to attract the audience ?you are looking for and what kind of content are you willing to put out. ?If I have one overriding piece of advice it is that you absolutely positively need to be yourself. If you are trying to be something else people will see right through you and this endeavor will be the most arduous work you have ever done.

Writing to be Read and the Importance of Traffic

The most arduous work I have ever done? ?Ridiculous! ?Well, not really. ?There is not going to be a quick and easy path from where you are now to where you want to be. ?The Internet is far more mature than when I started out in 1999, which means that if you start a blog now you not only have to try and figure out what you want to achieve and set a realistic plan to accomplish that, but you will also need to engage in some extra lifting to make sure your writings are not just sitting there in space, unread by virtually anyone.

On a typical Monday and Tuesday IPWatchdog gets between 7,500 to 8,000 visits. ?On a typical Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we get 6,800 to 7,500 visits. ?On a typical Saturday or Sunday we get 4,500 to 5,500 visits. ?A couple times a month we approach 10,000 visits in a day. ?Through August 31, 2012, IPWatchdog has averaged 80,347 unique visitors a month, and September is on pace to be right around that number as well. ?But you cannot expect those kinds of numbers when you start. ?Many lawyers who blog count their daily visits by the dozen. ?So how do you get from launch with no readers to where it is worthwhile?

First, the biggest mistake lawyers make is that they primarily write for other lawyers. ?That is a huge mistake. ?There are only so many lawyers in any legal niche, and only a subset of them are going to be willing to read news or information on the Internet. ?A smaller subset of those who use the Internet to acquire information will be willing to read blogs. ?So if you are primarily writing for lawyers that means your audience is going to be kept small.

I do write for lawyers, but not only lawyers. ?While I write about patents and other areas of intellectual property, I do it in a way that makes the topic understandable by someone who is educated and interested, but who doesn?t necessarily have the legal training of a lawyer. ?I get read by business people and investment brokers, politicians and Staffers, lawyers and judges, paralegals and entrepreneurs. ?Of course, not every article is read by every segment of my core audience.

Variety is the spice of life, and it is absolutely essential when it comes to blogging. You can?t expect all of your audience to read every article you write. ?So you can?t write every article for any one particular segment of your audience. ?You need to identify those different constituencies that (1) you want to attract; and (2) that will be attracted. ?Why? ?Who cares about those that I don?t want to attract but will be attracted to my writing? ?They offer eyeballs and traffic. ?You might not care about their traffic because they will never become a client, will never invite you to speak at a conference or symposium, and they are not folks in government with power who you want to share your viewpoint with. ?But Google and Yahoo do care about those folks, and so should you! ?In order to gain traction on the Internet people need to find your website or blog useful and interesting enough to visit. ?They need to find it informative and entertaining enough to pass it along to their friends and family. ?In short, they need to find you relevant and the way that relevance is gaged on the Internet is by eyeballs. ?The more legitimate traffic you generate the more likely you are to be treated well by search engines, which then creates a snowball effect. ?Not everything is going to attract clients or decision-makers, but you won?t get to where you want to go without traffic of all kinds.

For Goodness Sakes Don?t Write Like a Lawyer

Obviously, what you write needs to be something that you find interesting. ?If you find it dull then the odds are that others will find it dull. If, however, you bring a passion to your writing then others will likely find it interesting, or at least be entertained by your enthusiasm. ?So write what you enjoy and what you find informative and entertaining. ?But for goodness sakes don?t write like a lawyer!

Writing like a lawyer is the kiss of death, and where most legal blogs fail. ?Legal writing is dry and humorless. ?It also doesn?t offer any meaningful insight or opinion because most lawyers are worse than politicians! ?You simply cannot write to be read on the Internet if your writing is so sanitized that it couldn?t possibly offend anyone. ?If you are not going to offer analysis or somehow make your writings relevant to what people are thinking, asking and want to know then you might as well prepare yourself for the inevitability that you will not be read.

This doesn?t mean that you should be careless with facts or statements of law. ?Just explain them in an honest way so that those who are casually interested can understand. ?For example, if you are writing about a complicated patent legal matter try and explain it so that one of your trademark attorney friends can understand what you are talking about and why the issue is important. ?Don?t try and write it for an 8th grader, but if another attorney from another discipline can?t understand the issues and the importance that should be a clue that you are severely missing the target.

Writing to Attract Clients

Of course, not every article should be aimed even at an attorney audience. ?Attorneys will read what you write as part of their effort to stay on top of what is going on in the field in which they practice. ?But attorneys don?t typically turn into clients. ?So if you want to attract clients you want to write so clients. ?This is another place where most lawyers fail miserably, although how and why they fail remains a mystery to me because the formula for success is VERY easy.

Do you remember being told somewhere at some time that there are no bad questions? We can debate that philosophical point I suppose, but the reality is that if you don?t know the answer to the question it may sound like a dumb question to some, but it certainly isn?t a dumb question to you.

I can?t believe that my practice experience with clients is one-of-a-kind unique, so I am guessing you get questions from clients and potential clients. ?Indeed, clients have questions?? lots of questions. ?That is the nature of the relationship. ?If they knew everything they wouldn?t need to hire you, would they?

I would be shocked if with a little effort you couldn?t identify the 10 most common questions that you receive from clients. ?If you can?t think of them off the top of your head just start to notice. ?The next time a client asks you a question make a note of it. ?Write it down or save it into a file. ?Ask ?yourself whether that question might make a nice article. ?The answer is going to be YES! ?If one client or potential client has a question there are others that have the question but just don?t ask for one reason or another. ?If you identify clients or potential clients asking the same or similar question repeatedly there are a lot of people with that question. ?Given the nature of the Internet and how easy it is to search for answers to questions to at least become casually informed, more and more clients and potential clients are doing just that.

If you write something that answers a common question that is easy to understand then that makes it more likely that the person with that question will trust you and be interested in working with you. ?Over the years I have picked up many clients who felt they were not getting the right answers or representation. ?They had an invention, they knew it was unique, but they couldn?t receive a patent. ?They read articles I wrote about working with examiners, claiming strategies and how to get a little protection and then circle back for more later. ?They wanted me to represent them, and we took over the case and managed to get them patents where they had been unsuccessful before.

I have had situations where potential clients would call me and tell me that the attorneys they spoke to told them software couldn?t be patented. ?They read articles I wrote about the type of information you need to put into a software patent application, how you have to draft software patent claims and how to conceptualize a software related invention. ?It made sense to them even if they didn?t fully understand the nuances and the message was conveyed that I know what I am talking about. ?It is far better for a prospective client to come to the understanding that you know what you are talking about for themselves than it is for you to tell them you know what you are talking about directly. ?This is something you can accomplish through writing.

Stay tuned for more! ?Up next will be strategies for attracting traffic the tools you need.


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Welcoming Your New Life With Unlimited Potential | Rob Moore ...

Personal development requires that you educate yourself. This will ensure that your personal growth will be efficient. There are tons of ways to jumpstart your personal growth, and below you?ll find some excellent ones with which to begin.

Make a decision about where you want to go in life and stick with it. Sitting and thinking about the life you want will not get you that life. Identify your goals and take the necessary actions to make it happen.

Recognizing your limits when performing physical tasks can actually help you meet your goals. While exerting your best effort is admirable, recognize when you have reached your limit. You need to be careful about your physical health even while you are striving to achieve your goals. If you sacrifice the needs of your body, it will greatly hinder your self improvement.

To become a champion, you need an excellent coach. Someone to help guide you is always helpful. Everyone who has ever been good at anything has had help from a coach or mentor. Every person should help others find the way. Without someone to teach them the right way of doing things, it?s impossible to expect them to be able to properly succeed. Everyone who is a great success had a great coach.

You can?t please all of the people, and there?s no use in trying. Please yourself first! This does not mean privileging your happiness to a fault, but it does mean that you must take responsibility for your own happiness. If what you?re doing is true to both your ethics and yourself, then you can be healthier with your path to personal development.

When you are pursuing your personal development goals, having setbacks can be discouraging and make you feel like a failure. Failure is just a learning experience incognito. It shows you what your strengths and your weaknesses are. So, in a way, each failure can be viewed as an opportunity to gather important information of use in your personal development efforts.

If you have extensive personal development goals, consider enlisting the help of a therapist. While self-help books help to a certain degree, seeing a therapist has more personalized substance to it. Sometimes, the best solution comes about through the simple act of talking with a trained therapist. Books can?t talk back like a trained professional, after all.

Encouraging faith by love will lead to a higher level of self improvement. Faith cannot exist without love. You cannot consider your faith satisfactory if you do nothing to express it. Help out those in need, and make sure that your faith really means something by showing love to your peers and yourself.

Perhaps stress is keeping you from feeling happy. You are harming yourself mentally and physically when there is too much stress in your life. Eliminating stress is essential for thinking clearly and achieving goals. Make time in your schedule each day to take a few minutes alone and clear your mind. Having a time to refresh can give you peace and improve your self-image.

Moving toward your goal and meeting your personal needs demands that you do one specific thing to be successful. It is important to play an active role in your own life story, instead of just watching it pass by. Sitting back and watching will make you dull and unhappy.

Dealing with situations rationally is a skill that you can learn from others or teach yourself. Stay graceful under fire, and you will gain confidence that helps in your day to day life. Take the time to reflect on the situation, breathe deeply and relax.

If you are anxious about social interactions, try just going to a movie with a friend. You will be out and about but you don?t have to talk a lot or even see who you?re with most of the time. Eventually, it will be second nature to be around a large amount of people.

Every morning when you wake up, tell yourself that you are going to make today better than yesterday. Try to see each day as a way to improve. Set a goal to do something you couldn?t do yesterday, or improve on something you were able to do.

Getting Rid

By being a leader, you can help improve your personal development. Leadership has many definitions, but many people think of it as ?influence.? Take a look at your leadership journey. Are there events that have had major impacts on your life? How did the events that took place have an effect on you? Which one of your attributes is most influential in making you a good team player? If you explore the possible answers to these inquiries, you will become more capable of functioning effectively in a team setting.

Are you an alcohol abuser? Are you a smoker, or do you regularly engage in something that is bad for you? You should treat your body like a temple, because that?s what it is. Try getting rid of your bad habits; it can be important to making your life better. Look at your life, and decide if you have any bad habits that you need to work on getting rid of.

Treat everyone with respect, no matter what they can do or how much power those people may have. The way you behave toward others has more to do with your personality than with anything they say or do.

Instead of talking up all of your trophies and accomplishments, ask other people about their notable achievements and proudest moments. You?ll be able to find out about the wonderful things the people you know have accomplished, bringing about a new-found respect and admiration for them.

You should know the values that bear importance to you prior to planning a personal development program. Focus on those areas first to make the positive changes that are most important to your happiness. Instead, work on aspects of your life you want to improve that mesh well with your individual beliefs. This will help you make significant changes to your life, both at home and at work.

Having a better life often happens because of willpower, and keep in mind that the things you wish for others might have an effect on you. If you seek a healthy, happy environment, make sure to provide one for others. If you try to remain positive in all aspects of your life, you will not be as likely to get dragged down by sadness, anger and other negative feelings.

One part of depression you may not thought of to look at is your diet and increasing the amount of complex carbohydrates that you consume. A lack of complex carbs can lead to a shortage of serotonin, a significant factor in depression. You can do this by eating more raw veggies, fruits, nuts, brown rice, whole grains and assorted beans.

You should create a list of goals as part of your self improvement efforts. One thing a lot of people lack and what you might want to write down is to have more confidence. The next step is to seek different ways to grow that skill or trait. Once you know what you need to do, you need to put yourself in an environment where you make those things happen. When you tackle it methodically, you give yourself a better chance at succeeding.

You should try to find and read books that tell you about personal development. The best personal development books can give you new ideas and advice that could change your life forever. Try to pick a volume that has already been well-received by others because poorly done books in this category are fairly common.

As stated in the introduction, personal development consists of expanding your knowledge. Gaining this knowledge is important, but it must also be applied. The avenues open to you for self-improvement are many. Your confidence should improve if you apply some of the tips mentioned in this article

Find texts that help you. Some people may look to a religious text, while others might look for inspiring quotes. You may need help staying on top of life and keeping your mind clear, and a trusted book whose words have meaning to you is a great resource to fall back on.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Palace to cyberlaw critics: Wait for the IRR

MANILA, Philippines - Malaca?ang appealed to various groups opposing the cybercrime law to wait for the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) but stressed it respects their decision to question it before the Supreme Court.

The Cybercrime Prevention Act, which was published in newspapers last September 18, takes effect 15 days after publication - or on October 9.

?Number one, what is the position of government? The position of government is, look, we already have responsibilities attached to print, TV, and radio, so what the Cybercrime Act does is to also attach responsibilities in cyberspace," Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in a press briefing on Thursday, September 27.

"You?ve got freedom to report - the freedom of expression is always recognized but freedom of expression is not absolute. We know that for a fact,? Lacierda added.

?And I think, more than anybody else, the journalists are very responsible when it comes to writing articles, they know the parameters. The only concern in cyberspace are the people who are not familiar with being responsible about what they write. And so, if we take away (responsibility), if it?s absolute freedom really?ultimately, you?ll be impinging on other people?s rights,? he said.

Journalists, lawyers and media organizations have said that the law's provisions on libel and state power to shut down websites violate freedom of expression.

President's veto

Asked why the President did not exercise his veto powers on online libel, Lacierda said the recommendation was for approval because before the law was given to him for signing, the Office of the Executive Secretary prepared a legal memorandum for it and it was recommended for signing.

Lacierda said he hopes the IRR would be able to address the concerns of various sectors. "Some people have already resorted to, going to the Supreme Court, that is their right,? Lacierda said.

Among the chief critics of the law is a member of the ruling Liberal Party, Sen Teofisto Guingona III, who filed a petition before the Supreme Court on Thursday asking it to declare some provisions of the law unconstitutional.

Lacierda said this recourse is better than hacking government websites, which happened Wednesday night, September 26 and attacked the sites of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the water administration system, among others.

Lacierda said the new law was discussed during a social summit last weekend sponsored by Rappler, Tweetup Manila and several organizations but ?as in any other law, there are venues if somebody would wish to contest the provisions.?

?However, as it stands right now the law is there, IRR is being drafted, maybe we can talk to those who will draft the IRR. Of course, we also know that the IRR should not be greater than the law itself. The water cannot rise above the source,? Lacierda said.

Be responsible

?If you want to express yourself, we can express ourselves in a decent manner. If you want to criticize, you can criticize without getting to licentious. Those are really just the concerns. There should be responsibilities. Freedom is there, we recognize the freedom to express oneself. But, we should be reminded that the responsibilities which are present already in media, in radio, in TV, should also be present in cyberspace. There should be no fear of expressing oneself, I think, that?s the most important thing,? Lacierda said.

Asked about apprehensions that the government might use this law to go after critics, Lacierda said: ?You don?t have to have cyberspace to do that. We?ve seen that?We have the freedoms expressed in media so, these are not different. If I?m not mistaken, the definition of libel in the Cybercrime Act was lifted from the Revised Penal Code. So, the definition did not change,? Lacierda said.

?The wisdom has been expressed through the Cybercrime Act. These legislators agreed that that particular provision should be included. The position of the President (Aquino) is that there should also be responsibility in cyberspace. Now, as to (amendments)? lawmaking is not our department so, we assume that once it leaves the hands of the legislature, there?s presumption of regularity,? Lacierda said. -

More on the Cybercrime law:


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Scientists capture clues to sustainability of fish populations

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Thanks to studies of a fish that gives birth to live young and is not fished commercially, scientists at UC Santa Barbara have discovered that food availability is a critical limiting factor in the health of fish populations.

The scientists were able to attach numbers to this idea, based on 16 years of data. They discovered that the availability of enough food can drive up to a 10-fold increase in the per capita birthrate of fish. And, with adequate food, the young are up to 10 times more likely to survive than those without it.

This research, published this week in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, is expected to be useful for managers involved in maintaining sustainable fisheries.

The scientists used a remarkable set of black surfperch population data -- collected from 1993 to 2008 -- to develop these statistics. Divers collected the data by monitoring a fish population off Santa Cruz Island, near Santa Barbara. Russell J. Schmitt and Sally J. Holbrook, both professors in UCSB's Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology and UCSB's Marine Science Institute, head the team of scientists.

First author Daniel K. Okamoto, a Ph.D. student in UCSB's Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, explained that there has been a lack of information about how survival and birthrates are influenced by food availability, which is known to fluctuate through time. Black surfperch, found off the Pacific Coast from central Baja California northward to Fort Bragg, feed on small crustaceans and worms.

"If a management procedure has called for a certain harvest rate that is constant through time, that would be like saying we should harvest the same amount of corn through time, even though we know that corn can be influenced by things like drought," said Okamoto.

The scientists consider the black surfperch (Embiotoca jacksoni) to be a model species because it is not fished commercially, making it easier to assess the effects of food availability on fish mortality and reproduction.

A key feature of the black surfperch is the fact that this fish gives birth to live young that remain on the reef, allowing for its population to be counted accurately from year to year.

"The individual fish stay on their natal reef; they have low emigration- immigration rates, so we can actually track cohorts through time," said Okamoto. "An adult gives birth to live, capable young, instead of laying eggs. Those young stay on the reef where the adults were, which is a really nice property. We can go to a reef in a given year, survey it for adults, then go to that reef again the next year and see the young that are there and know, for the most part, that those young came from the adults that were there the year before." By contrast, most fish are dispersed into open water when they are in the larval stage.

Okamoto said that not including food availability in calculating benchmarks for species conservation may leave out a critical element in fisheries management.

Daniel Reed, a research biologist with UCSB's Marine Science Institute and the principal investigator for the Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research Program, is also a co-author of the study. The National Science Foundation provided funding for the research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Santa Barbara.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. D. K. Okamoto, R. J. Schmitt, S. J. Holbrook, D. C. Reed. Fluctuations in food supply drive recruitment variation in a marine fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1862

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Stivarga: Advanced Colon Cancer Drug Approved By FDA

* Bayer drug intended for cancer that has progressed or spread
* Wholesale cost set at $9,350 for 28-day treatment course
* Label has liver toxicity warning
* Onyx entitled to 20 percent royalty
* Bayer shares up 1.3 pct, Onyx shares up 2.8 pct (Adds Bayer comment, analyst forecast, potential other use for drug)
By Bill Berkrot
Sept 27 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved a new drug for advanced colon cancer developed by Bayer AG, a month ahead of the agency's expected action date for a decision.
The drug, to be sold under the brand name Stivarga, was approved to treat colon cancer that has progressed after prior treatment or that has spread to other parts of the body, the agency said.
"Someone has clearly lit a fire under the FDA," Sanford Bernstein analyst Geoffrey Porges said of the speedy approval. "We're seeing a fairly consistent pattern of drugs for high unmet needs diseases being approved on an expedited basis."
Bayer said Stivarga will be ready for distribution as soon as Friday and set a wholesale price for the drug of $9,350 for a 28-day cycle of treatment.
In pivotal clinical trials, Stivarga - known chemically as regorafenib - helped severely ill patients live on average 1.4 months longer than those who received standard treatment without the Bayer drug. Stivarga plus standard care also delayed tumor growth for an average of two months compared with 1.7 months for standard care alone.
Bayer is currently awaiting a colon cancer approval decision for the drug in Europe and is also seeking U.S. approval of regorafenib as a treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumors.
"Stivarga is the latest colorectal cancer treatment to demonstrate an ability to extend patients' lives and is the second drug approved for patients with colorectal cancer in the past two months," Richard Pazdur, director of the Office of Hematology and Oncology Products in FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement.
In August, the FDA approved Zaltrap, an advanced colon cancer treatment from Sanofi SA and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.
Onyx Pharmaceuticals Inc is entitled to a 20 percent royalty payment on global net sales of Stivarga under a settlement agreement with Bayer following a dispute over how closely related the medicine is to Nexavar, the kidney and liver cancer drug that the companies co-developed and share.
Bayer and Onyx will jointly promote Stivarga in the United States.
Porges, Bernstein's biotechnology analyst, called the Onyx royalty agreement, "a fairly attractive deal."
But he said initial sales expectations for Stivarga are relatively modest "because this is really a relatively small indication late in the disease."
However, Morningstar analyst Damien Conover forecast sales of the drug reaching $1 billion by 2020. Bayer declined to provide its own sales forecast for the medicine.
"Bayer has very high expectations for Stivarga," Shannon Campbell, head of oncology for Bayer Healthcare, said in a telephone interview. "We certainly expect that Stivarga is going to play an important role once (patients) have gone through some of the more standard infusion based chemotherapies that are out there."
Stivarga is a pill that works by blocking several enzymes that promote cancer growth.
The drug was reviewed under the FDA's priority review program that provides an expedited six-month review for drugs that offer major advances in treatment or that provide treatment when no adequate therapy exists. A decision had been expected by Oct. 27.
The Stivarga label will include a warning that severe and fatal liver toxicity occurred in some patients treated with the medicine during clinical studies, the FDA said.
In addition to Zaltrap, Stivarga will likely also compete with Roche Holding AG's multibillion-dollar cancer drug Avastin and Erbitux from Bristol-Myers Squibb Co and Eli Lilly and Co.
An estimated 143,460 Americans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and 51,690 will die from the disease in 2012, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Bayer shares rose 1.3 percent to 68.40 euros in Germany. Onyx shares were up 2.8 percent at $84.85 on Nasdaq. (Reporting by Bill Berkrot in New York; editing by Gerald E. McCormick, Matthew Lewis and Carol Bishopric)

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Smartphones Might be Vulnerable to Malicious Wiping

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Thousands of Burmese to greet Suu Kyi in Ind. city

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) ? Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi's devoted followers are expected to turn out by the thousands Tuesday to hear her speak in an Indiana city where one of the largest Burmese communities in the United States has taken root.

The visit by the 67-year-old Nobel laureate, who spent 15 years under house arrest for opposing military rule, marks the zenith of a two-decade influx of Burmese refugees that has brought a new global awareness to Fort Wayne, Ind., a city of 256,000 about two hours north of Indianapolis.

Organizers say security will be tight for Suu Kyi's speech at Memorial Coliseum. At least 7,000 people from as far away as Toronto and Minneapolis have indicated they'll attend the speech, which Suu Kyi will deliver in Burmese with English translations on video. The visit is part of a 17-day trip to the U.S. during which she has met with President Barack Obama and received the Congressional Gold Medal.

Since 1991, when a single Burmese refugee resettled in this city 8,000 miles from southeast Asia, thousands more have followed, many of them relocating under a federal program after years in refugee camps in Thailand. They join other political refugees from a host of countries who have made the city a second home since the fall of Saigon in 1975, thanks largely to the help of Catholic Charities.

The 2010 census found 3,800 Burmese in Allen County, but Fred Gilbert, a retired welfare worker who now runs a website designed to help immigrants adjust to American life, says the number may be actually be a few thousand higher because some Burmese identify themselves by ethnic origin rather than nationality.

Signs welcoming Suu Kyi have been showing up throughout the city. Local students gathered recently to make flags depicting the fighting peacock that appears on the flag of the democracy movement in the country also known as Burma.

"She is the hope for the people," said Thiha Ba Kyi, a former dentist who earned an MBA after coming to the U.S. in 1994 and now works for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and helps the Burmese opposition in exile. "She can bring democracy again in Burma."

For many of the city's Burmese residents, Suu Kyi's visit will be the first tangible connection with the homeland some hope to return to one day. From this unlikely base , Suu Kyi's followers speak out about what's happening in their homeland through Voice of America broadcasts and YouTube videos, lobby Congress for continued economic sanctions and raise money for the opposition in Myanmar.

"They cannot talk in there, so we talk for them here," said Ba Kyi, 57, who hosts a weekly Burmese-language talk show on local television. "We are very staunch and very outspoken. ... I believe that's why Suu Kyi come here."

Many Burmese refugees, like Ba Kyi, left behind careers when they fled their homeland and have had to learn new skills to get a job. U Tun Oo was elected to parliament in the 1990 election won by Suu Kyi's party that was nullified by the military regime and served as finance minister for the elected government in exile.

"I'm finance minister in the jungle," he said with a laugh. "Jungle minister."

Now Tun Oo, who was a construction engineer in Asia, works in a Fort Wayne factory. When he's not working, he heads the local branch of Suu Kyi's party.

"We see people who were university professors and members of parliament who are very accomplished who are doing all kinds of work," said Tom Lewandowski, president of the AFL-CIO's area labor council. "They'll do what it takes to get by."

Refugees qualify for federal government assistance, but Meghan Menchhofer, a staffer at the Burmese Advocacy Center, said that while many newcomers rely on food stamps, only a handful accept cash welfare. The center, which is funded by federal grants and private donations, helps refugees find jobs and homes and navigate issues from laws and customs to getting a driver's license.

"It was different. Vastly different. I knew very little English," said May Ayar Oo, 26, who came to the U.S. at age 16. She graduated in the top five in her high school class and now works as an engineer while attending graduate school.

Patrick Proctor, a member of the board of directors at the Burmese Advocacy Center, said some people in Fort Wayne harbor a negative stereotype of the Burmese who live there. About two years ago, some of that prejudice came to light when a worker at a coin-operated laundry posted a sign barring Burmese "for sanitary reasons," apparently a reference to some people's habit of spitting out the residue from chewing betel nuts.

But many of the city's Burmese seem to have found their way. Burmese-run businesses have popped up across the city, and both the valedictorian and salutatorian at a local high school this year were Burmese.

Former Buddhist monk Nai Sike, 48, and his wife operate a Burmese grocery, one of several in town.

Sike said he would like to stay in the United States because of his business, but he might go back to visit Myanmar. Like the other Indiana Burmese, he is excited about Suu Kyi's visit.

"It's good she's coming here, because of democracy," he said through a translator.

Those attending Tuesday's speech will be eager to hear Suu Kyi's views on sanctions toward Myanmar. Since her release in 2010, she has joined hands with members of the former ruling junta that detained her to push ahead with political reform. She is under pressure from Myanmar President Thien Sein's government to urge the U.S. to remove the restrictions.

Ba Kyi wants to be a part of the change Suu Kyi is expected to bring. He said he wants to teach his people, who have no experience of freedom, what democracy is about.

"I would like to move back," he said. "Hopefully, they'll need educated people who have experience in a democratic country."


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New Renters in Modesto Reportedly Find Body of ... - AOL Real Estate

Modesto renters discover body of tenant Jorge Amador-Molina

Renters moving into a house in Modesto, Calif., were shocked this week to discover there the body of a man who'd been stabbed to death, police say. The stabbing victim was reportedly a local ice cream vendor who was also residing in the home.

According to News10 television in Modesto, the new tenants (a couple who were not identified) said that they planned to live in part of the home and sublease the rest to the victim, Jorge Amador-Molina. Police are treating his death as a homicide, reports The Associated Press.

The home's owner, Kamal P. Lal, said that he was baffled as to why Amador-Molina might have been slain. "I have no idea whatsoever," Lal told the Modesto Bee. "That's what I told the cops today. He was a very nice guy. He could not have any enemies." Lal further told the newspaper that his rental agreement was with Amador-Molina and that he was unaware of the other tenants. Neighbors told the Bee that Amador-Molina operated an ice cream cart in the area.

Recently in the news were these other chilling finds in homes: Police discovering the cremated remains of 56 people in a foreclosed home in Dayton, Ohio, and authorities encountering dozens of exotic animals in an abandoned house in Portsmouth, Va.

See also:
$7 Million in Gold Hidden In Carson City Home
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sales Training Systems ? Are You Paying Too Much For Training ...

Sales training systems are important in the business world, but at what expense? How much should you pay for a sales training system?

Sales training is necessary for any retail business. Without sales your business will fail. Sales training systems come onsite and off, face to face and online. Each type has it?s good points and bad. So which would work best for you?

Sales Training Systems - Are You Paying Too Much For TrainingThe answer comes when you look at where you want your employees to be, away being trained or on the sales floor selling. Who can afford to have their staff off site training? Paying for training is necessary, paying more than you have to in overtime and lost sales isn?t. But can you trust online training? In a word, yes? if you choose the right company. The best answer is to choose Retail Business Development Campus and Assistant.

Using RBD?s Assistant and Campus keeps your sales people on the sales floor. It tracks and trains as they sell. Assistant tracks their progress in real time, giving them a step by step guide. It?s perfect for performance tracking and suggested training. It then uses Campus to deliver the training. Even better, Campus has a feature that makes sure that your employees are actually doing their training. It?s a management system that allows administration, documentation, tracking and reporting of the training done, all available through the Assistant tablet app.

This cloud based sales training system is the perfect amalgamation of coaching, tracking and training, done when and where the employee needs it. The win/win is your employee gets trained on what they specifically need, at the exact point when they need it while they are still selling for you. No staff time lost, all training done as needed, and most importantly, less sales lost.

Cloud based retail sales training systems aren?t where sales training is headed, but are here now. Now all you need to do is take advantage of them.


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Berry Family: Duck Hunting Baby Shower

?My friend Brittany is excepting her first baby...a baby boy! So my friend Karrie decided to go away from the traditional cutesie baby themes.? Brittaney's husband nick is a big duck hunter so we thought it would be fun to do more of a hunting theme.
?Karrie made this adorable banner that she gave to the mommy to be...and we decorated with duck hunting decoys.? She also had these awesome Christmas lights that were made from shot gun was pretty cute.
?The mommy to be and some awesome ladies from our ward.....we have an amazing ward.

We had a girly dinner....with a Southwest salad, chips and fresh salsa, fruit salad, raspberry peach lemonade, and cream puffs.? I loved seeing all the fun boy outfits she got for her little baby.? I loved the sporty pj' different then all the pink and frills we have at our house.... and I could not resist by getting her little boy some camo pants.....every future hunter needs to sport some camo.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Return of the Aints? Still winless

Brees throws an O-fer in 4th quarter and OT as Chiefs triumph 27-24


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:37 p.m. ET Sept. 23, 2012

NEW ORLEANS - Who dat? More like WTF?

The winless New Orleans Saints dropped another one Sunday, this time in overtime at home to the previously inless Kansas City Chiefs.

Drew Brees passed for 240 yards and three touchdowns but missed all six of his passes through the fourth quarter and overtime.

Ryan Succop kicked six field goals, one to force overtime in the final seconds and another from 31 yards to lift the Chiefs to a 27-24 victory over the Saints.

Succop's 43-yard field goal with 3 seconds left completed a methodical comeback by Kansas City (1-2) after the Saints (0-3) had cashed in on a pair of Chiefs turnovers to go ahead 24-6 in the third quarter.

Kansas City needed only one touchdown for the win, a 91-yard run by Jamaal Charles, who finished with 233 yards rushing and 55 yards receiving.

The Chiefs also got a safety in the fourth quarter on Justin Houston's third sack of the game.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Return of the Aints? Still winless

New Orleans blows 24-6 lead as Drew Brees and offense crumble in fourth quarter and overtime before losing 27-24. Jamaal Charles carried the Chiefs with 233 rushing yards.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Analysis: Coal fight looms, Keystone-like, over U.S. Northwest

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Call it the Keystone of coal: a regulatory and public relations battle between environmentalists and U.S. coal miners akin to the one that has defined the Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline.

Instead of blocking an import, however, this fight is over whether to allow a growing surplus of coal to be exported to Asia, a decision that would throw miners a lifeline by effectively offshoring carbon emissions and potentially give China access to cheaper coal.

Having long ago lost their bid to prevent the extraction of fossil fuels, environmental groups aim to close transport routes that bring those carbon fuels to market, pulling local and state politicians into the fight alongside regulators.

Mining interests won a battle last week when the Army Corps of Engineers called for a quick study of plans to open the first coal port on the west coast at Oregon's Port of Morrow on the Columbia River, a review that will weigh impacts of hauling coal, not burning it.

Coal port skeptics say the ruling is ripe for challenge in the courts and they foresee a drawn-out fight over the review.

"I'm afraid that by choosing to perform a less stringent analysis today, the Corps will ultimately create a longer delay," Oregon Senator Ron Wyden said in a statement. Wyden, who is due to lead the Energy and Natural Resources Committee if Democrats hold the Senate, has said he supports a full review of the project and is reserving judgment until it is completed.

Delay is something miners can ill afford.

Alpha Natural Resources Inc, one of the country's largest coal producers, said last week it is cutting 1,200 jobs, roughly 9 percent of its workforce, as increased use of natural gas for power generation dents demand.

While coal foes in the Pacific Northwest can stymie the projects, the federal government will have the final say.

If President Barack Obama wins a second term, the issue will likely test his determination to curb the use of fossil fuels blamed for climate change, especially since his policies are partly behind miners' yearnings for Asian markets.

Tough new Environmental Protection Agency limits on power plant emissions are often blamed, along with low natural gas prices, for the drop in domestic coal use, but burning the black rock in Asia will have the same impact on the atmosphere.

No matter who wins the election, the intensifying fight ahead over coal ports is raising Keystone-like questions about energy priorities in a time when traditional fuels are still abundant.


About 40 percent of the country's coal comes from the Powder River Basin - a high, grassy plain in eastern Wyoming and Montana where the black fuel runs in seams near the surface.

With nearly 9 percent of U.S. coal furnaces set to go dark in the next four years and more utilities moving to natural gas, the 100 billion tons of coal still locked in the region need to reach new markets or face being frozen in the ground.

A Pacific Northwest coal port would aid mining giants such as Arch Coal and Peabody Energy Corp that dominate the basin and are in a worldwide race to meet Asian demand.

The United States holds the world's largest coal reserves, but China, with the world's third-largest share, is tapping more of its own reserves and boosting imports from Australia, Indonesia and even Colombia as its economy continues to grow. India, too, is hungry for coal.

U.S. coal exports have more than doubled in the past two years to reach a record nearly 29 million tons in the first three months of the year. Roughly a quarter of that already heads to Asia, mostly via Gulf Coast ports.

Analysts say Powder River Basin coal must cheaply reach Asia in the coming years to catch the strong demand in China, the world's No. 2 economy, and the rest of the region.

"The United States has no unique advantage in meeting the Asia coal hunger, and that demand will not exist forever," said Ailun Yang, a researcher with the World Resources Institute.


Last week's decision by the Army Corps was an important victory for miners since the big impacts of coal use will not be studied.

The Army Corps, which received more than 30,000 comment letters about the Port of Morrow plans, said on its website that it generally conducts narrow reviews, "in this case, the construction of the dock facility."

But the narrow study envisioned by the Army Corps could yet morph into a sweeping review if officials have a change of heart in light of a huge public outcry or if the courts step in.

Feeding Chinese furnaces with U.S. coal could add hundreds of millions of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, a cause of climate change that Obama has pledged to fight and one that anti-coal activists want considered by the Army Corps.

"They have to consider not just moving the coal but burning it," said Nathaniel Shoaff, an attorney with the Sierra Club, which wants officials to consider climate-change concerns before writing rules on shipping or issuing permits to mine federal land.

Those who oppose coal want the Army Corps to halt the handful of coal port plans until it studies the impact on the climate, a process that could take years.


In a courtroom the fight could center on a reading of the National Environmental Policy Act from 1970, which requires federal agencies to study "all major federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human environment."

Courts now expect climate-change consequences to be weighed under NEPA, so the question is how much Obama or his successor wants to consider the external costs associated with developing and burning coal, says Mark Squillace, who leads the natural resources law center at the University of Colorado.

"There is no doubt that officials have the authority, and I would say obligation, but it's not clear what will be the policy," he said.

Arch Coal and Peabody declined to comment about the coal port project.

If the Port of Morrow project is thwarted, miners may have luck at one of the handful of other projects on the table.

In the state of Washington, just north of Oregon, the governor has been more receptive to the idea of allowing coal shipments from the Longview docks.

Supporters of the coal port plans say they are prepared for a war of attrition against those who would stand in the way of energy companies' finding markets for U.S. energy abundance.

"Before the Civil War, (battlegrounds) like Antietam and Gettysburg were mostly unheard of," said Bill Kovacs, a senior energy advisor with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is lending help to the mining sector.

"Now the fight for a sensible energy policy is being fought on the same scale in places like the Port of Morrow and Longview."

(Editing by Jonathan Leff and Prudence Crowther)


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Friday, September 21, 2012

Date with the Devil

Date with the Devil

You've made a deal with a demon, and there's no way you can back out of it now. (one on one)


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Does it have to be ciel? Or could it possibly be an oc?

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

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